Activities,  Art & Craft


Our kids have the benefit of two sets of grandparents living in the same city as us. They are so lucky to have these grandparents investing so willingly into their lives! Just last week, my eldest two (with the third and fourth tagging along) had their first photography lesson with my father in law.

Previously, an announcement by my husband or myself that we were taking a walk to the Gardens would bring forth a whole lot of groaning and complaining – apparently walking takes up their precious playtime. All of a sudden – now that they have the use of a couple of cameras – the suggestion of a walk is greeted by excited enthusiasm. Amazing!

While the walk entailed a fair amount of stopping and waiting, the resulting photos were interesting to view. I wonder if the random objects our kids thought to take photos of provides some kind of insight into their personalities?

Here is a sample of their first batch of photos – some are not actually too bad!

So if you want your kids to be more enthusiastic about exercise, get out the old cameras!

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