Conferences,  Events

Great Homeschool Convention Online

We in New Zealand have an opportunity to sign up for a “Great Homeschool Convention” in America, since it is all online! The convention dates are 16-18th April (American time) and there is even the option to sign up for FREE VIP registration! Looking at the Workshops page, there are plenty of free ones to choose from, but if you want access to all of them (there are LOTS!) you can pay extra.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear some of the big names in homeschooling speak! You may have heard of Andrew Pudewa (IEW), Steve Demme (Math-U-See) and Sarah Mackenzie (Read Aloud Revival). Some of the speakers are well-known in other fields too e.g. Dr Jonathan Sarfati, Douglas Wilson and N.D. Wilson. I’m looking forward to tuning in!

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