Activities,  Baking,  Easter,  Holidays

Easter Fun

We’ve enjoyed some special activities together as a family over the Easter weekend, despite the unusual circumstances in the world and NZ at the moment..

On Thursday night we had a roast lamb dinner with cous cous and flat bread for Maundy Thursday, the night of the last passover meal before Jesus’ death on the cross. It was delicious! Before the meal, the kids all enjoyed having their feet washed and washing ours in turn!

On Good Friday we tuned in to our church’s online service (at and also made hot cross buns for the first time ever! They were so worth it! I used Annabel Langbein’s online recipe.

In keeping with Saturday being a day of waiting, we had a fairly low key day. It was a good chance to get some of our normal Saturday jobs done but I did make another batch of hot cross buns! The kids enjoyed colouring in Easter eggs to put in the window also.

Easter Sunday is always such a great day of celebrating Jesus rising from the dead! I sneakily left an Easter egg on each of the kids’ beds in the night, which they were very excited to wake up to! Not only did we enjoy watching church again, but we also caught up with some close friends beforehand. An easter egg hunt around the house topped off the celebration! Alongside all of this, as part of our homeschooling we have been doing our Easter Bible Reading Plan. For each reading, the kids have drawn pictures to illustrate the story and decorate the wall!

One Comment

  • Olivia Ng

    Great blog Sarah!! 🙂 🙂 my kids enjoy Marbula One too and the video you guys made!

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