Activities,  Bible,  Books,  Christmas,  Holidays

Christmas: Book Advent

Christmas can be an overwhelming time of year for many people. Personally, I love it, although it does tend to sap the energy levels! One feature that I particularly enjoy is the advent calendar lead up. Every year since my eldest was about three, we’ve done some version of a Christmas advent calendar, always including the Christmas story and some fun activities and treats as part of it.

This year, thanks to a fellow homeschooling mum, we’ll be doing a book advent alongside whatever Bible readings I decide on (shhh don’t tell my kids as it’s a surprise!!) I’m really excited about this because I like to get the kids books as part of their Christmas presents anyway, and they all love reading.

Erin advertised a couple of different options – either 24 days or 12 days, with one book a day and priced accordingly (and very reasonably!) I decided to go with just 12 days, so as not to overrun the house with books, and the books will rotate between kids, so they (the four oldest) will end up with 3 books each. Erin picks the books from her impressive collection, checks we don’t already have them and that I’m happy with the genre etc, then wraps them up all ready to go!

This is such a brilliant and fun idea, and it’s so awesome to have someone so knowledgeable about kids literature picking out books for my kids on my behalf!

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