Activities,  Musings

Puzzle time

The puzzles have finally come out, seven and a half weeks after the start of lockdown! I really thought they would make an appearance during the school holidays, but other activities were found to keep everyone busy.

I’ve always been pretty protective of the possessions saved from my childhood, with good reason.. Once my kids get a hold of something it typically starts on a downward spiral of wear and tear until it barely resembles the original pristine object. But it feels hard to justify packing and moving my carefully preserved puzzles, when all they’ve been doing for the last 15 years is sitting on a shelf gathering dust.

It’s interesting to observe the different personalities of my children as they embark on the challenge of a puzzle. Some of them sit there patiently, working it out and relishing the challenge. Certain others of them try for a while before giving up and watching from the sidelines, or sticking their nose into a book. I can’t figure out why it is that some of our kids have so much more perseverance than others!

One of my friends mentioned the other day that she managed to listen to an audio book (via earphones) while helping her kids with a puzzle. It sounds brilliant! I’m planning on giving that a go myself, but I admit to being pretty doubtful that it will be possible to listen without constant interruptions!

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