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The Beauty of Containers

Containers are such a great way to keep things tidy! Further to my recent posts on decluttering, I have recently discovered (or rediscovered) the beauty of containing things to create and keep order.

Not only that, I realised that instead of rushing out and purchasing nice baskets or wooden boxes I could begin by repurposing items I already own! For example, the lovely wooden gift boxes taking up space in my wardrobe that I have never gotten around to using.

One such brilliant innovation was my hair brush and related paraphernalia. Previously the hair brush resided in my bathroom drawer alongside other essential items such as contact lenses and medication. Despite my best efforts, the hair would get everywhere in the drawer and make it into an unappealing mess. So as I organised our new bathroom after moving, the thought struck me that I could keep all my hair stuff in a separate (nice wooden) box in the cabinet, where it can’t contaminate anything else! So obvious in hindsight.

The cotton ball is another frequent escapee in my bathroom drawer. Guess what, now within my drawer several of them are safely contained in a pretty little box I never found a use for until now!

Other examples of containers in my house are:

  • Boxes for socks in the kids’ chests of drawers
  • Container for plastic kids’ cutlery in a kitchen cupboard (no room in the cutlery drawer)
  • Basket for kids’ plastic plates
  • Basket for placemats
  • Box for candles
  • Basket for tea accessories
  • Tray for small appliances
  • Plastic container for bulldog clips etc
  • Fabric boxes for shoes
  • Basket/containers for toilet rolls
  • Mini crates for empty toilet paper rolls
  • Boxes for ribbons, cellophane, gift bags

I’m sure there are heaps of other things I can organise into containers too, like the kids’ drink bottles and backpacks.. Plus of course all the books and stationery in the homeschooling room. Containers are awesome for making things appear tidy!

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