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Rosie Boom Books

Rosie Boom is a New Zealand author who has written several childrens’ books, and is probably best known for her series of books called The Barn Chronicles. A homeschooling mum of six, she writes about their family’s experiences living in a barn on a piece of land in Whangarei. Lately, I’ve been reading these aloud to the kids, who love them! It’s nice to have a book based in New Zealand, where the seasons are at the ‘right’ times of year! Rosie’s most recent book is titled “When the Jungle Calls”, and is based on her time in Papua New Guinea as a child. She recently spoke at an AHE-organised event, alongside her sister Penny Foote, who has just re-published her own book called “The Adventures of Romy”.

Once a week with the kids I have been reading Rosie’s devotional book called “The Gift of Values”. It has been a great way to discuss admirable character traits such as diligence, perseverance and courage. The kids have been really engaged by it, and have particularly enjoyed all the great fables and Boom family stories!

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