Planning,  Stories

Planning Our Homeschool Room

We recently sold our current house and will be moving into the new one we bought in just over a month. As part of the moving house process, I have begun to think about how to arrange the new homeschooling room.

Of course, a dedicated room for homeschooling isn’t necessary, but it does make life easier and slightly less messy! Having a space for learning that is separate from the dining room and entertaining area is a luxury I am really looking forward to! In our current house, we do sort of have a homeschooling room, but it doubles as a gathering area when people come round. This is less than ideal thanks to the many stray pencils and papers, not to mention the added clutter of desks.

Despite finding it difficult to visualise exactly what I’m after, I have to admit I’m pretty excited about starting over! I think part of the reason I find the prospect of redesigning a space daunting is my perfectionist nature.. I always want to get it exactly right the first time! However, throughout my homeschooling journey, I have learnt that there will probably be many further adjustments down the track. Still, I would like to plan and invest as wisely as possible at the outset.

I have been checking out other homeschool rooms for ideas and found this helpful advice from one mum:

  • Know what your goals are for your homeschooling room
  • Consider the current problems you have and how to resolve them

I love looking at other homeschooling blogs and videos like these for ideas:

A typical suggestion for tidiness is to have a place for everything. I’ve tried to do this in the past, but while thinking about the current problems we have I realised that we really need to have a spot designated for things that cause mess, such as drawings and finished work.

The other common theme I noticed (apart from all the Ikea furniture) is plenty of shelves and cupboards and drawers for storage. That’s something we never seem to have enough of!

Well, I’m still on an ideas-gathering mission at the moment – but hopefully soon that will translate into a plan!

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