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I’m reading a book at the moment titled “Identity Theft”, edited by Melissa Kruger and written by her and some other women. It’s a book about all the ways in which we as women can find our identities in the wrong things, and how we should think of ourselves in light of what the Bible teaches. One particular line I read last night resonated with me:- “I’m overwhelmed by all that’s missing”. This was in a section talking about how the author feels under pressure to achieve more in her day to day life. I totally get what she means!

I really don’t cope well with things not happening according to my plans or my timing, and the reality of homeschooling with a new baby is incredibly messy. Seldom do I feel that the kids have done enough work, or that I’ve provided them with enough interesting activities. As parents it’s so easy to compare ourselves to others and beat ourselves up about all the things we’re not doing! It really is overwhelming thinking about trying to incorporate all that is missing from our typical homeschool day.

Anyway the book is doing a great job at constantly pointing me back to Christ! Each chapter so far has been reminding me that, of course I’m not going to get it perfectly right, but it doesn’t matter. Stressing too much about whether I’m doing enough for my kids and family shows that perhaps I’m trying too hard to manage in my own strength. I need to constantly remind myself of who I am in Christ, and teach my children too! I’m not enough, and never will be, but Jesus is.

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