Bible,  Books

Family Devotionals

Our family has been using two of Marty Machowski’s devotionals in the last year. Both of them are great. They are fairly short, making them easy to include in the homeschooling schedule on a daily basis, but also solid in content.

In the mornings before starting on our other work I use “Long Story Short“, which works through the Old Testament and shows how it points forward to Jesus. I like to start the day’s work in this way, because it demonstrates to the kids that everything else comes second. In fact, everything else can only rightly be understood through the lens of God’s Word. In every week (or each set of five studies) there is one devotional on the New Testament, and one from Psalms or Proverbs.

In the evenings after dinner my husband reads from “Old Story New“, which is based on the New Testament. One day a week (or one study in five) is from the Old Testament to show how it links to Jesus.

In the past we have also used Machowski’s devotionals “Wise Up“, based on the Proverbs and “Listen Up” from the parables. We are looking forward to trying out “The Ology” in the near future too.

It’s really helpful as a Christian family to have good resources for teaching our kids about the Bible!

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