Activities,  Events,  Physical Education & Exercise

Cross Country

After two years of cancelled cross country events, we are looking forward to attending the Auckland Home Educators‘ upcoming one in just a couple of week’s time! Here’s the info if you’re interested, and make sure you get registered asap.

According to their info, the distances are as follows:

Year 1 – 4 run about 1.5km
Year 5 & 6 run about 2km
Year 7 & 8 run about 3km
Year 9 & 10 run about 3.5km
Year 11+ run about 4km

An upcoming cross country event is a great excuse to get the kids outside running! Our family is in a pretty good pattern at the moment anyway – on Saturdays we attend ParkRun as a family (which I highly recommend) – and during the week we usually aim for two shorter runs around the block. It’s amazing how much more enthusiastic about running my 12 year old is all of a sudden, now that she knows cross country is around the corner! Not only that, the run distance for her age is much shorter than ParkRun, which is 5km.

I love the opportunity to get outside and socialise with other homeschoolers, and the kids of course love the sausage sizzle! I reckon it’s probably the most enjoyable and festive-feeling homeschool event of the year.

So if you enjoy getting outdoors and watching your kids enjoy some healthy competition with other homeschoolers, make sure you register for this year’s cross country event!

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