English,  Stories,  Writing

Creative Writing

Story Starters

In the last week or so, we’ve been using these story starters to help us get inspired in our creative writing. The ‘machine’ jumbles up genres, main characters, characters’ attributes and what happens to him/her and turns out a random result. It can produce some pretty odd scenarios, but the format is quite fun to interact with and the kids enjoy ‘spinning’ the wheel. Of course, the sound effects add to the atmosphere too.

My Turn

On one of these story starter occasions, my kids pleaded with me to spin the lever again, for myself! I think they really just wanted to see what new combination would result, but I agreed and found myself having a go at writing alongside them. I realised that I haven’t actually attempted to write a fictional story since my own school days! Since then, I must’ve read a heck of a lot more books and so I found it surprisingly easy to cobble something together. It was really just the introduction to a story, but I enjoyed writing it, and even better, the kids loved me reading it to them!

Granny Gets Involved

A few days later, when my mum came over to join us for the morning, the kids managed to drag her into it too! Her story starter was pretty hilarious, and the story she wrote (again, really just the introduction to one) was fabulous. We were all entertained while hearing her read it aloud to us and are hoping she continues it next time.

Fun Times

I feel like we’ve struck upon a really fun way to do creative writing, as having adults involved seems to inspire them and excite them more about that time of the school day. Giving them the opportunity to read aloud their work and listen to something new that’s (fairly) well written has generated such enthusiasm amongst my kids for writing!

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