Activities,  Baking,  Books

Making Artisan Bread

At a time when going to the supermarket is a bit of a nightmare, and baking has suddenly become all the rage, it seems worth recommending a book on bread making! The only problem is getting hold of it in the middle of a lockdown!

The book Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day by Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe Francois is brilliant, because there is so little actual work involved. They basically figured out that you can get amazing bread with absolutely no kneading! Originally recommended to us by some friends who love their pizza dough recipe, it has become my go-to for bread making. Their technique is to quickly prepare a dough that can then be stored in the fridge for up to 2 weeks, meaning that it’s really easy to whip up a loaf or two when you feel like it!

Give it a go – maybe in a week or two when books become available!

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